Referral Program Agreement

Please read this agreement carefully, as it contains important information regarding your legal rights and remedies.

The English version of legal agreements and policies is considered as the only current and valid version of this document. Any translated version is provided for your convenience only, to facilitate reading and understanding of the English version. Any translated versions are not legally binding and cannot replace the English versions. In the event of disagreement or conflict, the English language legal agreements and policies shall prevail.

Terms of Services

Referral Program of Hapih Host is offering you the opportunity to refer friends and network via a referral program and earn ₹200 credit fund (In Client area fund) of each successful referee’s first purchase!! By participating in the Referral Program, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Services. All of Hapih Host’s decisions are final and binding.

Referral Program cannot be combined with other Hapih Host referral programs or incentives in respect of the same purchase. These Terms of Services outline the Referral Program that started in 2024. Any referrals made before 2024 will not be applied.

How to share or send an invitation:

  1. Sign in to your Hapih Host account.
  2. Complete your KYC If not completed. Then center of page you will get Refer a Friend box.
  3. Click on Start Earning button. Then a Popup will be visible with terms of Referral Program Approve it.
  4. Once done your Referral Status and Referral link will be available in client area under Refer a friend Section. Copy link and share with your connections and start earning.

Once you’ve sent the referral, the referred person will need to complete these steps before you receive the reward:

  1. Click the referral link.
  2. Purchase services eligible for Referral Program. The eligible services are any hosting or VPS plan of any Billing period. Services related to domains, email and Licenses are not eligible. If the referred person is purchasing eligible and additional services, they must include the eligible services into their first purchase. If the eligible services are in their second or further invoices, this person will not be counted as your referral and will not generate you any reward.
  3. Do not refund the payment and be an active user for at least 60 days (active user means that account is not deactivated).

Note: Referral Program is for referring new users. So the person that you are referring cannot have any previous accounts at Hapih Host. If a user registers and only then opens a referral link, they will not be interpreted as a new user.

To check the status of your referrals:

  1. Sign in to your Hapih Host account.
  2. Center of Page -> Under Refer a Friend Section -> You can check link click, Signup and Earned Amount.
  3. Or on left hand side -> Clicking on Billing -> Referral Commission option -> You can check your successful referrals here

Note: If the commissions are older than 2 years and have not been withdrawn – it will be removed from your referral account’s balance.

Reward payout rules:

Earnings will be transferred to your Hapih Host Client area fund. You can use those credit for purchasing/renewing any service from our website.

Note: Rewards cannot be transferred to another Hosting account or any Hapih Host balance. Rewards can be used to purchase, renew or upgrade any Hapih Host services. Kindly note the fund are not transferable will only be available in client area funds, You can use these fund for buying/renewing Hapih host services.


Referrals should only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes. The Referral Program is meant only for referring people that are already in your network: your friends, family, colleagues, clients, and their networks. Therefore, referral links should not be published or distributed on commercial websites, any blogs or YouTube channels/videos, but only on your personal social media where your network can see the referral links. You are prohibited from “spamming” anyone with referral invitations. This includes mass texting, emailing, or messaging people you do not know or using automated systems/bots through any channel to distribute, post, or otherwise share your referral link.

You are prohibited from using any type of Pay per Click or any other paid advertising methods (including bidding on keywords and phrases containing the “Hapih Host” trademark, or variations or misspellings of the trademarked term on Pay per Click or Pay per Impression campaigns on the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, Bing or others)).

You are also not allowed to use the Hapih Host Website(s) as display URL in Paid media ads and to direct-link or redirect to the Hapih Host Website(s).

Cancellation policy

Hapih Host reserves the right to change, end, or pause, in whole or in part, any referral program, as well as any referrer/inviter’s or referee/invitee’s ability to participate in any referral program or receive rewards at any time for any reason, including suspected fraud (including by either the referrer and/or referee/invitee), abuse, or any violation of these Referral program Terms and Conditions.

Hapih Host’s sole discretion, it reserves the right to cancel rewards in the event of any of the following reasons:

  1. Hapih Host is unable to collect funds from the referred customer.
  2. The order is fraudulent.
  3. The reward was earned improperly for any other reason.

KYC/Mobile Verification

We would like to bring to your attention the recent guidelines issued by the Government of India through notification No. 20(3)/2022-CERT-In, dated 28th April 2022. As per these guidelines, it has become mandatory for all service providers to maintain ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) information of their customers.

At Hapih Host, your safety and security are of utmost importance to us. Verifying your identity through the KYC process helps us ensure that your account remains protected from any potential risks associated with false identities. To comply with this government mandate, we kindly request you to complete your KYC by

Login to our website -> On top right hand side -> Your name click on it -> Add/Upload Verification data -> Next -> Upload document -> Save

We understand that adhering to regulatory requirements can be an inconvenience, but it is essential to continue providing seamless services to you. Failure to complete the KYC process may result in interruptions or suspension of your services. To avoid any such inconvenience, we kindly request you to complete the KYC with Hapih Host.

Hapih Host reserves the right to suspend your website if KYC or mobile number verification is pending for more than 24 hours.


Any controversy, claim or dispute arising under this Referral Agreement will be resolved according to the jurisdiction and legislation where the Hapih Host entity servicing your Referral account is located. The jurisdiction of all matters will be at Jaipur, Rajasthan India in case of any dispute.