
Benefits of using Forex VPS

Using Forex VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting can provide several advantages to forex traders. Here are the key benefits of using Forex VPS hosting with details:

  1. Low Latency Execution:
    • Detail: Forex VPS hosting reduces latency by locating servers in data centers close to major financial exchanges. This ensures that trade orders are executed with minimal delay, reducing the risk of slippage, which can be critical in fast-moving markets.
  2. High Uptime and Reliability:
    • Detail: The best Forex VPS hosting providers offer high uptime and reliability by utilizing redundant hardware and network connections. This ensures that your trading platform remains accessible, reducing the risk of missed trading opportunities.
  3. Stability and Performance:
    • Detail: Forex VPS hosting provides a stable and dedicated environment for trading. As a trader, you have exclusive access to the server’s resources, which ensures that your trading platform and automated strategies run smoothly without interruptions, contributing to consistent performance.
  4. Enhanced Security:
    • Detail: Top-tier Forex VPS hosting solutions implement robust security measures, including data encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. This safeguards your trading data and strategies against unauthorized access and cyber threats.
  5. Remote Accessibility:
    • Detail: With Forex VPS, you can access your trading platform and strategies from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility allows you to manage your trades, monitor the markets, and make adjustments even when you are away from your trading desk, offering convenience and adaptability.
  6. Customizability:
    • Detail: Forex VPS hosting allows traders to install and configure their preferred trading software, such as MetaTrader, cTrader, and expert advisors. This flexibility ensures that the trading environment aligns with your specific requirements and preferences.
  7. Dedicated Resources:
    • Detail: Forex VPS hosting typically provides dedicated resources (CPU, RAM, and storage) to each user. This exclusivity ensures that your trading activities won’t be affected by the resource consumption of other users on the same server, resulting in a stable trading experience.
  8. Support and Assistance:
    • Detail: Many Forex VPS hosting providers offer 24/7 customer support. This means you can receive prompt assistance for technical issues, ensuring that you can address any problems that may arise while trading.
  9. Effective Risk Management:
    • Detail: A reliable Forex VPS can help traders manage risk effectively by reducing the chances of execution delays and order slippage. This is particularly important during periods of high market volatility when precise execution is crucial.
  10. Scalability:
  • Detail: As your trading activities grow, the best Forex VPS hosting providers typically offer scalable plans. This allows you to upgrade your server resources to accommodate increased trading volume and resource requirements.

In summary, the use of Forex VPS hosting provides multiple advantages, including faster order execution, high uptime, stability, security, remote accessibility, customizability, dedicated resources, support, effective risk management, and scalability. These benefits collectively contribute to a more efficient and secure trading experience, particularly for traders using automated strategies or needing low-latency execution in the dynamic forex market.

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How the Best Forex VPS Hosting Can Benefit Traders ?

The best Forex VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting can provide a range of significant benefits to traders, especially those who engage in forex trading or use automated trading strategies. Here are some of the key advantages of using the best Forex VPS hosting:

  1. Low Latency Execution:
    • Reduced latency is one of the most significant advantages of using a Forex VPS. VPS servers are typically located in data centers close to major financial exchanges and trading servers. This proximity ensures that trade orders are executed quickly, minimizing the risk of slippage, and helping traders achieve better price fills.
  2. High Uptime and Reliability:
    • The best Forex VPS hosting providers offer high uptime and reliability. These providers use redundant hardware and network connections to minimize downtime. This is essential for traders who need continuous access to the forex market, even during market hours, as missed opportunities can result in financial losses.
  3. Stability and Performance:
    • Forex VPS hosting provides a stable and dedicated environment for trading. Since you have exclusive access to the server’s resources, your trading platform and strategies can run without interference from other users or processes, ensuring consistent and reliable performance.
  4. Security:
    • The best Forex VPS hosting solutions often implement robust security measures to protect your trading data and strategies. They may include firewalls, encryption, and other security protocols to safeguard against unauthorized access and cyber threats.
  5. Remote Accessibility:
    • With a Forex VPS, you can access your trading platform and strategies from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility allows traders to manage their trades, monitor the markets, and adjust strategies on the go.
  6. Customizability:
    • Traders have the freedom to install and configure their preferred trading software, such as MetaTrader, cTrader, or other proprietary platforms, as well as expert advisors and custom scripts.
  7. Dedicated Resources:
    • Forex VPS hosting typically provides dedicated resources (CPU, RAM, and storage) to each user. This means your trading activities won’t be affected by the resource usage of other users on the same server.
  8. Support and Assistance:
    • Many Forex VPS hosting providers offer 24/7 customer support to assist traders with technical issues and questions related to the hosting environment.
  9. Risk Management:
    • A reliable Forex VPS can help traders better manage risk by reducing the likelihood of execution delays and order slippage, which can be particularly crucial during high market volatility.
  10. Scalability:
    • As a trader’s needs grow, the best Forex VPS hosting providers often offer scalable plans, allowing users to upgrade their server resources to accommodate increased trading activities.

In summary, the best Forex VPS hosting solutions enhance a trader’s ability to execute trades with low latency, maintain high uptime, and provide a stable and secure trading environment. These benefits are especially valuable for those who rely on automated trading strategies and require consistent and reliable access to the forex market. Choosing a reputable and well-established Forex VPS hosting provider is crucial to fully realize these advantages.

The importance of a reliable hosting solution for forex trading

A reliable hosting solution is crucial for forex trading, especially for traders who engage in algorithmic or automated trading strategies. The stability, low latency, and uptime of the hosting solution can significantly impact a trader’s success. Let’s explore the importance of a reliable hosting solution in detail and provide some relevant information in tables:

1. Low Latency Execution:

Low latency is essential for forex trading because it directly affects the speed at which your trade orders are executed. Delayed order execution can result in slippage, where you get a different price than expected. A reliable hosting solution minimizes latency, ensuring that orders are executed quickly and at the desired prices.

2. Uptime and Availability:

Forex markets operate 24 hours a day during the trading week, which means traders need access to their trading platforms at all times. Downtime can result in missed trading opportunities or the inability to manage open positions. A reliable hosting solution offers high uptime and minimal disruptions.

3. Security:

The security of your trading environment is critical to protect sensitive financial and trading data. A reliable hosting solution should have robust security measures in place, including firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, to safeguard against cyber threats.

4. Data Backup and Recovery:

Accidents happen, and data loss can be disastrous for a forex trader. A reliable hosting solution typically includes regular data backups and a robust disaster recovery plan to minimize the impact of data loss.

5. Scalability:

As your trading activities grow, you may need to scale up your hosting resources. A reliable solution should offer scalability options, allowing you to increase server resources as your needs evolve.

6. Technical Support:

In the fast-paced world of forex trading, having access to responsive and knowledgeable technical support is essential. A reliable hosting solution often provides 24/7 customer support to address any technical issues promptly.

Table: Comparison of Forex Hosting Solutions

Let’s create a table to compare different hosting solutions for forex trading based on their important features:

Feature Reliable Hosting Solution Unreliable Hosting Solution
Low Latency Execution Low latency, quick order execution High latency, delayed order execution
Uptime and Availability High uptime, minimal disruptions Frequent downtime, missed trading opportunities
Security Robust security measures, data encryption Inadequate security, risk of data breaches
Data Backup and Recovery Regular data backups, disaster recovery plan Inadequate data backup, potential data loss
Scalability Scalability options for resource expansion Limited scalability, resource constraints
Technical Support 24/7 responsive support, expert assistance Limited or slow technical support

In this comparison, it’s clear that a reliable hosting solution offers key benefits for forex traders, such as low latency, high availability, and enhanced security. Choosing an unreliable hosting solution can lead to missed opportunities, financial losses, and increased risks. Therefore, traders should carefully evaluate their hosting provider and choose a solution that meets their specific needs for forex trading.

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What is Forex Trading?

Forex trading, also known as foreign exchange trading or currency trading, involves the buying and selling of currencies in the foreign exchange market. The forex market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, where participants trade one currency for another with the aim of making a profit. Here are the key details of forex trading, along with an example and table:

Key Elements of Forex Trading:

  1. Currency Pairs: In forex trading, currencies are quoted in pairs. A currency pair consists of a base currency and a quote currency. The value of one currency is expressed in terms of another. For example, in the EUR/USD currency pair, the EUR (Euro) is the base currency, and the USD (US Dollar) is the quote currency.
  2. Exchange Rate: The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another. It represents how much of the quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. Exchange rates fluctuate based on various factors, including economic data, geopolitical events, and market sentiment.
  3. Leverage: Forex trading often involves the use of leverage, which allows traders to control a larger position with a smaller amount of capital. Leverage amplifies both profits and losses, so it should be used with caution.
  4. Trading Platforms: Traders use trading platforms provided by brokers to execute their trades. Popular trading platforms include MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5).
  5. Order Types: Traders can place different types of orders, including market orders (executed at the current market price), limit orders (executed at a specified price or better), and stop-loss orders (designed to limit potential losses).

Example of Forex Trading:

Let’s consider an example of trading the EUR/USD currency pair:

  • You believe that the Euro (EUR) will strengthen against the US Dollar (USD), and the current exchange rate is 1.1500 (meaning 1 EUR = 1.15 USD).
  • You decide to buy 10,000 EUR (0.1 lots) with a leverage of 50:1.
  • You enter a long (buy) position at the current market price, which is 1.1500.
  • After some time, the exchange rate moves in your favor, and it reaches 1.1550.
  • You decide to close your position by selling your 10,000 EUR at this new exchange rate.

Now, let’s create a simplified table to illustrate this example:

ActionExchange RateAmount (EUR)Amount (USD)Result
Buy 10,000 EUR1.150010,000 EUR11,500 USD 
Sell 10,000 EUR1.155010,000 EUR11,550 USDProfit: 50 USD

In this example, you bought 10,000 EUR when the exchange rate was 1.1500 and sold it when the rate was 1.1550, resulting in a profit of 50 USD. This profit is the result of the exchange rate moving in your favor, and it highlights how forex traders aim to profit from price fluctuations in currency pairs.

It’s important to note that forex trading involves risks, and traders can also incur losses if the market moves against their positions. Risk management and a thorough understanding of the market are essential for successful forex trading.

Forex Market Overview:

The foreign exchange market (forex or FX) is a decentralized global marketplace for trading currencies. It operates 24 hours a day, five days a week, and involves a vast network of banks, financial institutions, governments, corporations, and individual traders. The main centers for forex trading include:

  1. Interbank Market: This is where the world’s largest financial institutions, such as banks and investment firms, conduct large-volume forex transactions.
  2. Retail Market: Individual traders and smaller financial institutions participate in the retail forex market through online trading platforms provided by brokers.

Currency Pairs:

Forex trading involves trading currency pairs. There are three primary categories of currency pairs:

  1. Major Pairs: These pairs include the most traded currencies globally, such as EUR/USD (Euro/US Dollar), USD/JPY (US Dollar/Japanese Yen), and GBP/USD (British Pound/US Dollar).
  2. Minor Pairs (Cross-Currency Pairs): These pairs do not include the US Dollar and consist of other major currencies, like EUR/GBP (Euro/British Pound) or AUD/JPY (Australian Dollar/Japanese Yen).
  3. Exotic Pairs: These pairs involve one major currency and one currency from an emerging or smaller economy. Examples include USD/TRY (US Dollar/Turkish Lira) and EUR/SGD (Euro/Singapore Dollar).

Leverage and Margin:

Leverage is a key feature of forex trading. It allows traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital. However, leverage also increases the risk of substantial losses. Leverage ratios vary between brokers, but common ratios include 50:1, 100:1, and 500:1.

Spread and Pips:

The spread is the difference between the bid price (the price at which you can sell a currency pair) and the ask price (the price at which you can buy the same pair). Pips (percentage in point) are the smallest price movements in the forex market. For most currency pairs, one pip is equivalent to 0.0001, except for currency pairs involving the Japanese Yen, where one pip is 0.01.

Example 1:

Let’s say you’re trading the EUR/USD currency pair, and you believe the Euro (EUR) will strengthen against the US Dollar (USD). The current exchange rate is 1.2000, and you decide to buy 100,000 EUR (1 standard lot) with 50:1 leverage.

  • Buy 100,000 EUR at 1.2000, requiring $2,000 in margin (100,000 EUR / 50 leverage = $2,000).
  • The exchange rate moves to 1.2050.
  • You decide to close your position.
ActionExchange RateAmount (EUR)Amount (USD)Result
Buy 100,000 EUR1.2000100,000 EUR$120,000 
Sell 100,000 EUR1.2050100,000 EUR$120,500Profit: $500

Example 2:

Now, let’s consider an exotic currency pair, USD/TRY (US Dollar/Turkish Lira), which has a higher spread due to its lower liquidity.

  • The current exchange rate is 9.0000, and you decide to buy 10,000 USD with 100:1 leverage.
ActionExchange RateAmount (USD)Amount (TRY)Result
Buy 10,000 USD9.0000$10,000₺90,000 

The profit or loss in this example would depend on how the USD/TRY exchange rate moves after you enter the trade.

Remember, these examples are simplified for illustration, and actual trading involves factors like transaction costs, overnight financing (swap), and market fluctuations.

Forex trading is highly speculative and carries a substantial risk of loss, so it’s essential to have a well-thought-out trading strategy and risk management plan before participating in the market. Additionally, traders should be aware of the specific terms and conditions of their chosen broker and the characteristics of the currency pairs they trade.

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What is Forex VPS hosting?

Forex VPS hosting, also known as Forex Virtual Private Server hosting, is a type of web hosting service specifically designed for forex traders and other financial market participants who require a stable and low-latency internet connection to execute their trades and run automated trading strategies. It combines the benefits of VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting with the unique requirements of forex trading. Here’s how it works and why it’s important for forex traders:

  1. Virtual Private Server (VPS): A VPS is a virtual machine that operates on a physical server but behaves like a dedicated server. It offers a higher level of control and customization compared to shared hosting. Each VPS runs its own operating system, allowing users to install and configure software, including trading platforms and expert advisors, as they see fit.
  2. Low Latency: In forex trading, every millisecond can matter. Traders need fast and reliable internet connections to ensure that their orders are executed quickly. Forex VPS hosting providers typically have data centers located in proximity to major financial exchanges, ensuring low latency connections to trading servers. This minimizes delays in order execution and helps traders make more informed decisions.
  3. Reliability: Forex VPS hosting services are known for their high reliability and uptime. They are equipped with redundant hardware and network connections to minimize downtime, which is crucial for traders who rely on continuous access to the forex market.
  4. Security: Security is paramount in the financial industry. Forex VPS hosting providers often implement robust security measures to protect data and trading strategies from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
  5. Remote Accessibility: Users can access their Forex VPS from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows traders to monitor and manage their trades and strategies even when they are not at their trading desk.
  6. 24/7 Support: Many Forex VPS hosting providers offer 24/7 customer support to assist traders with any technical issues or questions they may have.
  7. Customizability: Users can install and configure trading software, such as MetaTrader, cTrader, or other proprietary trading platforms, as well as expert advisors and custom scripts.

To use Forex VPS hosting, traders typically subscribe to a service plan offered by a hosting provider. These plans vary in terms of the allocated resources (CPU, RAM, storage), network speed, and pricing. Traders can choose a plan that meets their specific needs and budget.

Overall, Forex VPS hosting is a valuable tool for serious forex traders who require a stable, low-latency, and secure environment for their trading activities, especially when using automated trading strategies or when trading in fast-paced markets.

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What is Plesk? Buy Plesk at 399/month!


With Plesk web hosting control panel, you can easily manage your hosting account. It allows server admins to set up new websites, reseller accounts, e-mail accounts, and DNS entries through a web-based interface.

Who provides cheapest Plesk Panel license?

Hapih Host provides the cheapest Plesk Panel license for VPS and Dedicated Server starting from 399/month. So Buy Cheap Plesk Panel license and save more than 40% on Plesk licenses for Web Admin Edition license, Web Pro Edition, Web Host Edition for VPS, Cloud and Dedicated Servers.


Web Admin Edition: This edition is targeted at users who only want to administrate their own websites. Unnecessary features such as customer/reseller management are not included in this edition.
Web Pro Edition: With this edition, you can host up to 30 different domains. Also, all features apart from the reseller management are available in this edition.

Web Host Edition: With this edition, you can host an unlimited amount of domains. There are no restrictions on behalf of Plesk. The Web Host Edition is the most extensive of all Plesk editions. It includes every feature – from reseller management over security core features until automatic outbound spam protection.


No, you can take a free Plesk demo, but to make use of all functions of Plesk, you need to purchase the Plesk panel license.


Both control panels have their own strengths. Which one is better – majorly depends on your needs.


Yes. The ‘Keep me secured’ feature with SSL certificate manager, automatically monitors and secures Plesk, domains, subdomains and webmail through SSL certificates. You can choose either Symantec or Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates.


There are two ways to extract .zip files directly on the server: 

1.The first one is by using SSH 
->Run the following command over SSH: 

2.The second way is with PHP script. 
-> Create file unzip.php in the current directory where your zip file is and add to the file the following script: 


Run file unzip.php in a browser to execute the php script, that will trigger file to be unzipped.


Hello Everyone, In the post, we will tell how you can buy hosting on Hapih Host. From our last post Step by Step BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO CHOOSING A PERFECT HOSTING PLAN PART – I You must have known what we must know before buying hosting. So Let’s Begin..

Step: 1 Go to Hapih Host

Step 2: Now you will on our Official Website.

Step 3: Now you must have selected which hosting service you want to have. In this post, we are buying a shared hosting

Step 4: now click on the “order now”. you will be asked for domain:

Enter the domain name for which you want to buy hosting. if you haven’t purchased the domain yet you can enter the domain name in “Register a new domain” and can purchase the new one. if you have a domain then you have to enter that domain in “I will use my existing Domain and update my nameserver”

Step 5: Now you will see the hosting plan detail and amount now you have to select billing period for the hosting. then click “continue”:

Step 6: after clicking checkout you will be redirected to the checkout page.

In this page you have to fill the details, then you have to select the payment gateway by which you will pay the amount. And don’t forget to tick “I have read and agree to the Terms of Services”.

Step 7: On clicking “complete order” you will be redirected to the payment gateway.

Step 8: After the payment confirmation. You will be activated instantly. And you will receive and Welcome mail with hosting login detail.

So in this way, you can purchase web from Hapih Host, and once you buy Hapih Host web hosting, it will give you Hapih Host cPanel login details on your registered mail id.


Perfect Hosting Plan – Biggest Question choosing Hosting – While the importance of selecting the right CMS and hiring a good designer is outlined in every other technology blog nowadays, hardly anyone talks about the importance of a good web host.

That’s why we have prepared this web hosting guide, that will help beginners and experts to choose a good web host. If you’re building a website for the first time, it’s hard to know what you really need. You’ve got all these different categories and plan levels to choose between, and if you’re not well versed in this stuff it can get a bit overwhelming.

For those navigating the web hosting question for the first time, our guide can help provide some clarification in the midst of confusion to help you toward the right choice.

Things To Do Consider when Choosing a Web Hosting Plans:

The Basics:

Everyone knows what shared hosting is, VPS, and reseller hosting packages. Just in case you don’t, simply do a Google search!

What matters is picking the ideal hosting package for you. If you have a personal blog or a small website, shared hosting will suffice. But you should consider a dedicated server or a VPS if you have a large website that generates a good deal of traffic.

Also, make sure you have ample space and bandwidth in your plan. The worst thing that can happen is to see your website growing, and then noticing that there isn’t enough room for it to grow anyway. Plus, a good web host will allow you to easily upgrade from one plan to another as, and when, the need arises.

Disk Space:

In a hosting, disk space is the amount of space available on the server for storing the content of your site. This content includes pages, images, videos, files, databases, among others. In some cases, it can also be used to store emails, but this is not a rule.

Therefore, when you host a website, all your content is stored in that space. As you update it, new content is being stored. This is done automatically and no action is required.


Bandwidth measures the amount of data that passes between a website and the rest of the Internet.

For example, if your website contains a 1MB picture, and 2,000 visitors view the picture, it uses 2,000MB (2GB) of bandwidth.


It is the amount of time that a server has stayed up and running. This is usually listed as a percentage, like “99.99 percent uptime.” Uptime is a great measure of how good a Webhosting provider is at keeping their systems up and running.

Easy-to-use Admin Panel:

Admin panel is the gateway or the dashboard that lets you manage your websites. An easy-to-use admin panel ensures that you do not require through technical know-how of operating a CMS. Cpanel is considered to be the most convenient admin panel.

Customer Support:

It refers to the support which is available to you in the case of a breakdown. This support may be available to you in the form of chats, phone calls and emails.

Now that you understand the terms you have to look for while choosing your hosting plan, let us explore the types of web hosting.

Types of Web Hosting Plans:

Before you buy web hosting, you’ll need to know what kind of hosting service is best suited for your website. If you’re only hosting your site for a short period of time or to an extremely limited audience, you may be fine using free web hosting. Free hosting is more limited than paid hosting, but it’s a great place to start if you’ve never hosted a website before.

If your site is for a blog or business that expects to see more traffic than a few visitors per day, there are three basic types of web hosting plans you need to know about:

Shared Hosting:

Shared hosting is Web hosting in which the service provider serves pages for multiple Web sites, each having its own Internet domain name, from a single Web server. Most Web hosting companies provide shared hosting. Although shared hosting is a less expensive way for businesses to create a Web presence, it is usually not sufficient for Web sites with high traffic.

These sites need a dedicated Web server, either provided by a Web hosting service or maintained in-house.

Who needs Shared Hosting?

Small businesses, new bloggers, and anyone who is just starting out should preferably opt for shared hosting considering that you do not need to spend a fortune on hosting when you don’t really need it.

Considering that the monthly visits on your website would be somewhere between 0-5000, you can easily manage with a shared hosting plans.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting

A VPS involves giving websites their own dedicated server space on a shared server. It gives a little more control and freedom than a shared hosting solution, but still avoids the cost of a dedicated server for businesses with a tight budget who need more than a basic package.

Who needs VPS Hosting?

If you are sure that shared hosting is definitely not what you need, and confused whether breaking the bank for dedicated hosting is the need of the hour, give VPS a shot. It is ideal for people looking to get full control of their server space in a fraction of the cost of a dedicated hosting.

If your website expects a monthly visit of around 15000- 20000, you are good with VPS. It also allows you to choose bigger plans according to your requirements.

Dedicated Server Hosting

Dedicated server hosting refers to a type of web hosting plan where you are allocated a whole server to yourself. Therefore, a “dedicated server” refers to the “dedicated” server that you rent (or purchase) in order to host your website (or websites).

Dedicated server hosting can give you more control over your website. It can also help to ensure that other customers’ websites don’t impact on your website. Using dedicated servers is much more expensive than shared hosting, but if your site receives lots of traffic or you have other requirements (such as extra security requirements), dedicated server hosting could be for you.

Who needs dedicated hosting?

Big business websites with higher traffic need dedicated hosting. E-commerce websites typically go with dedicated hosting considering the heavy amount of traffic that they have to deal with especially during sale times. If your website receives over 20,000 visits every month, you need dedicated hosting. With dedicated hosting comes the responsibility of managing the technical aspects of installations, updates, security, and configuration.

Still undecided?? So go through our plans. We have provided a chart support to help you out.

In conclusion the decision in choosing the server you may want to use will ultimately fall on how you are going to use it and the cost your are willing to spend. The best choice would be the one most suited to the type of operations you will conducting on you website. You could start out small by availing a shared hosting, but if you are serious in your business purchasing a VPS or even a Dedicated Server might be your best bet in the long run.

What is Reseller Hosting?

(What is Reseller Hosting? A guide to Reseller hosting) Whenever you are shopping around for web hosting service, you may have come across the term “Reseller Hosting”. Business owners are leveraging on this growth opportunity by starting their own reseller hosting company to either supplement or create a full-income flow to their brand. It is becoming well-adopted because of its low initial costs and overall simplicity in getting started.

Are you’re looking for ways to make money online and curious to know what is reseller hosting and how you can turn this into a business opportunity?

What exactly is Reseller hosting?

Reseller hosting is a Web hosting business model in which a Web hosting provider allows some or all of their Web hosting services to be sold by an individual or third party organization. Reseller hosting enables an organization to act as a Web hosting provider without the need to build, operate and manage a Web hosting infrastructure

How does reseller hosting work?

  1. Research and select a hosting company
  2. Purchase the reseller package that meets the goals of your business.
  3. Know and understand your target market to locate your new customers
  4. Create your own branded hosting packages
  5. Decide your price
  6. Sell hosting packages to your clients
  7. Earn profit


Reseller hosting is good for entrepreneurs who are starting their own business. It is a relatively low-risk investment with limited startup cost.

For end users, reseller hosting is good if you are an experienced webmaster. You can enjoy the low costs of reseller web hosting. On the other hand, if you are new to hosting and programming, reseller hosting might not be the best choice for you. If you run into problems, you will definitely need some resourceful technical support from established web hosting firms to troubleshoot the problems for you. Sometimes, the price difference between regular web hosting and reseller web hosting might not be that significant.